
Pipeline leak monitoring system

The pipeline leakage monitoring system is the pipeline leakage information management, which monitors the liquid (crude oil or other liquids) transportation pipelines throughout the day, minute and second. Once the pipeline leaks, the monitoring system can alarm in time through its information management system and carry out project monitoring system management in a fixed position.

There are two main types of leak detection methods — direct leak detection methods and indirect methods.

The direct method is to use the detection elements (such as leak detection cables or oil sensitive elements) preset outside the pipeline to directly detect the leaking medium. This method can detect tiny leaks and can locate, but it is required to be installed at the same time as the pipeline during pipeline construction.

The indirect method is to infer the occurrence of leakage by detecting changes in pipeline operating parameters, such as detecting pressure and flow rate. This method is not as sensitive as the direct method and is suitable for detecting large leaks (generally around 1%). The advantage is that it can be installed without affecting production after pipeline construction and can be continuously upgraded.

Post time: Jun-17-2020

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