
How are various expenses incurred in container shipping?

In ocean freight costs, in addition to ocean freight, the “expensive” expenses also take up a lot of space and cannot be concentrated. What are the costs surrounding the “box”?

Drop-off fee

When the car enters the box, the terminal has not yet opened to receive the box and cannot enter the port. The area opened the port and then dragged in. Down jackets will incur a drop-off fee.

Withholding box fee

The pre-lifting box is a special case that needs to be boxed before the normal pickup date, so that the box number, newborn baby list or other information can be obtained.


In order to speed up the circulation of containers and avoid backlogs, shipping companies have arranged free usage periods for containers. Within this period, goods occupying the container can be free of charge. If the goods occupy the container after the deadline, a fixed fee must be paid, which is the “demurrage fee”.

Pre-arrival fee

After packing, the container of the ship has not yet opened, so it enters the port ahead of schedule. In the case of permission, the advance fee incurred in entering the port.

Unpacking fee

The cost of moving the container. The cost of repacking is generally due to the change of ships. Generally, when the container is in the reverse position, it is planned, and the container is inevitable when the ship is changed.

1. Luggage fee It is the cost of bringing the container from the station to the customs for inspection.

2. Loading fee It is the cost of carrying the container to the container truck when the goods need to be transported after customs clearance.

3. Return fee It is the cost of empty containers to run back after unloading the imported goods to the factory, and vice versa for exports. In export freight, if the factory or freight forwarder has taken the boxes out of the yard, but for some reason (such as late shipments), the boxes are not packed in the end, causing the containers to return empty, the shipping company will charge the factory a certain fee , The cost is generally 80% of the trailer cost. This fee is called “empty return fee” or “box return fee”.

4. Box out fee It is the fee charged by the customs or merchants when inspecting the goods when they need to open the box and then the forklift forks out the goods for inspection.

5. Flushing port charges It is the fee charged for the delayed arrival of the container when the box is delivered to the designated terminal or yard later than the specified cut-off time, in order to catch the ship and the yard is just willing to receive the goods….. .

Post time: Nov-15-2021

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